Vaishnavi Surendra

Development and Environmental Economist




Working Papers



I’m a postdoctoral researcher at Precision Development (PxD), and I received a PhD from the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.

At PxD, I lead innovative research projects on digital information services to enhance farmers’ climate resilience and gender inclusivity in India, utilizing my skills in research design, data analysis, stakeholder engagement, and fundraising to drive impactful solutions for farmers.

My research is in development and environmental economics. I focus on climate change adaptation strategies, household finance and financial resilience, and women’s economic participation in facilitating financial and climate resilience.

Here’s my Curriculum Vitae (Updated November 2024).

I’m on the job market in 2024-25!

My Job Market Paper studies how farmers in India update their beliefs following weather forecasts and realizations. It relies on incentivized lab-in-the-field experiments, a natural experiment, and A/B testing with a real-world voice-call weather forecast service.



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Relief from Usury: Impact of a Self-Help Group Lending Program in Rural India

(with Vivian Hoffmann, Vijayendra Rao, and Upamanyu Datta)

Journal of Development Economics, January 2021

Abstract (click to expand)

Replication Files

Working Papers

Weathering Climate Change: How Farmers Learn from Forecast Outcomes

(with Shawn Cole, Tomoko Harigaya)

Job Market Paper

Abstract (click to expand)

Pre-Registration 1

Pre-Registration 2

Customizing Weather Forecasts for Climate Change Adaptation in Rural India

(with Shawn Cole, Tomoko Harigaya)

Working Paper

Abstract (click to expand)

Pre-Registration 1

Pre-Registration 2

Risk Sharing, Commitment Constraints and Self Help Groups

(with Orazio Attanasio, Anjini Kochar, and Aprajit Mahajan)

NBER Working Paper. 31245

Abstract (click to expand)

Ideas for India Blogpost

The Moneylender as Middleman: Formal Credit Supply and Informal Loans in Rural India

Working Paper

Abstract (click to expand)

Ideas of India Podcast

Ideas for India Blogpost

Self-Help Groups and Women’s Employment in Rural India

Abstract (click to expand)

Website: Website code source.

© 2024 Vaishnavi Surendra.